Author Index

Barolini, Teodolinda
Commento Baroliniano
The Dante Course
Barsella, Susanna and Vincenzo Vespri
A Possible “Geometrical” Model for the Cosmology of the Commedia: A Synthesis
Bausi, Francesco
Reading The Divine Comedy
Chida, Nassime
Dante’s Life (1302-1310): Showing Divergences between Carpi and Inglese
Ciabattoni, Francesco
Musical Instruments in Dante’s Commedia: A Visual and Acoustic Journey
Cochrane, George
George Cochrane’s Illustrations of Dante’s Inferno
Coutinho, Paulo de Tarso
An Architect’s Vision of Dante’s Hell
De Santis, Silvia
William Blake and The Divine Comedy
Delmolino, Grace
Dante Alighieri: A Chronology
Federici, Gabriele
Genesi e storia dell’edizione foscoliana della Commedia
Levy, Isabelle
Immanuel of Rome and Dante
Kumar, Akash
Teddy Roosevelt, Dante, and the Man in the Arena

Moffa, Jr., Louis J.
Diagramming Astronomy in the Divina Commedia
Olson, Kristina
Birk Illustrations
Pelizzari, Stefano
Dante’s Use of Logic in the Monarchia
Saiber, Arielle
Dante’s Tre Giri of Paradiso 33
Schiff, Jenny Clark
Dante’s Canzone Le dolci rime Translated into Formal Logic
Siegel, Jane
Illustrations from Early Printed Editions of the Commedia
Van Hove, Pieter
Dante, the European Cloth Trade, and the Battle of the Golden Spurs
Van Peteghem, Julie
Intertextual Dante

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