
Original research of a historicist bent

Dante’s Life (1302-1310): Showing Divergences between Carpi and Inglese

A chart highlighting biographical claims made about Dante Alighieri by Carpi and Inglese. (Nassime Chida)

Dante Alighieri: A Chronology

A timeline of important historical and biographical events in Dante's lifetime. (Grace Delmolino)

Teddy Roosevelt, Dante, and the Man in the Arena

An exploration of President Theodore Roosevelt as a reader of Dante’s Commedia. (Akash Kumar)

Immanuel of Rome and Dante

Immanuel of Rome: The Hebrew and Italian writings by a Jewish contemporary of Dante. (Isabelle Levy)

Dante, the European Cloth Trade, and the Battle of the Golden Spurs

A historical overview of the connections between the European wool trade, Flanders, and the Battle of the Golden Spurs in Dante's Commedia. (Pieter Vanhove)

A Possible “Geometrical” Model for the Cosmology of the Commedia: A Synthesis

A geometrical representation of Dante’s cosmology (Susanna Barsella and Vincenzo Vespri)

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