Immanuel of Rome: Selected Bibliography

Selected Bibliography

Alfie, Fabian. “Immanuel of Rome, alias Manoello Giudeo: The Poetics of Jewish Identity in Fourteenth-Century Italy.” Italica 75 (1998) 307-329.

Battistoni, Giorgio. L’Inferno e il paradiso. Firenze: Giuntina, 2000.

Ben Solomon, Immanuel. Maḥbarot Imanuʿel ha-Romi. Ed. Dov Jarden. Jerusalem: Bialik Institute, 1957.

________. Mahbereth prima: (il destino). Ed and trans. Stefano Fumagelli and Maria Tiziana Mayer, intro. Guy Shaked. Milan: Aquilegia, 2002.

Bregman, Devora. The Golden Way: The Hebrew Sonnet in the Renaissance and Baroque, trans. Ann Brener. Arizona: Arizona State University Press, 2006.

Brener, Ann. “Stealing Wisdom: A Story of Books (and Book Thieves) from Immanuel of Rome’s Mahbarot.” Prooftexts 28.1 (2008), 1-27.

________. “The Scroll of Love by Immanuel of Rome: A Hebrew Parody of Dante’s Vita Nuova.” Prooftexts 32.2 (2012), 149-175.

Cassuto, Moshe David. Dante v’Immanuel ha-Romi. Jerusalem: Mossad Bialik, 1965.

Cassuto, Umberto and Angel Sáenz-Badillos. “Immanuel (ben Solomon) of Rome.” Encyclopedia Judaica. Ed. Michael Berenbaum and Fred Skolnik. Vol. 9. 2nd ed. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2007, 740-741.

Debenedetti, Santorre. “I sonetti volgari di Immanuele Romano.” Studi filologici. Milan: F. Angeli, c.1986, 9-19.

Fishkin, Dana. “Situating Hell & Heaven: Immanuel of Rome’s Mahberet Ha-Tophet V’ Ha-Eden.” Ph.D. Dissertation, New York University, 2011.

Gollancz, Hermann. Tophet and Eden in Imitation of Dante’s Inferno and Paradiso. London: University of London Press, 1921.

Huss, Mati. “Fiction and its place in the Hebrew Maqama: Judah al-Harizi and Immanuel ha-Romi—Continuity or Change.” [Hebrew] Tarbiz 67.3 (1998), 350-378.

Malkiel, David. “The Inheritance Tale in Immanuel of Rome’s ‘Mahbarot’” Prooftexts 16.2 (1996), 169-173.

________. “Eros as Medium: Rereading Immanuel of Rome’s Scroll of Desire.” Donne nella storia degli ebrei d’Italia – atti del IX Convegno internazionale “Italia judaica,” Lucca, 6-9 giugno 2005. Ed. Michele Luzzati and Cristina Galasso. Florence: Giuntina, 2007, 35-59.

Modona, Leonello. Vita e opere di Immanuele Romano. Studio postumo del prof. Leonello Modona. Florence: R. Bemporad & figlio, 1904.

Poeti giocosi del tempo di Dante. Ed. Mario Marti. Milan: Rizzoli, 1956.

Rimatori comico-realistici del Due e Trecento.  Ed. Maurizio Vitale. Torino: Unione Tipgrafico-Editrice Torinese, 1956, 1989.

Russell, Rinaldina. Sonnet: The Very Rich and Varied World of the Italian Sonnet. Indiana: Archway Publishing, 2017.

Salah, Asher. “A Matter of Quotation: Dante and the Literary Identity of Jews in Italy.” The Italia Judaica Jubilee Conference. Ed. Shlomo Simonsohn and Joseph Shatzmiller. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2013, 167-198.

Scheindlin, Raymond P. “Merchants and Intellectuals, Rabbis and Poets: Judeo-Arabic Culture in the Golden Age of Islam,” in Cultures of the Jews: A New History, ed. David Biale. New York: Schocken Books, 2002, pp. 313-349.

Schippers, Arie. “Medieval Languages and Literatures in Italy and Spain: Functions and Interactions in a Multilingual Society and the Role of Hebrew in Jewish Literatures,” In Around the Point: Studies in Jewish Literature and Culture in Multiple Languages, ed. Hillel Weis, Roman Katsman and Ber Kotlerman. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014, pp. 17-38.

Van Bekkum, Wout Jac. “The Emperor of Poets.” Studies in Hebrew Literature and Jewish Culture Presented to Albert van der Heide on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday. Dordrecht: Springer, 2007, 203-212.

Veltri, Giuseppe. Renaissance Philosophy in Jewish Garb: Foundations and Challenges in Judaism on the Eve of Modernity. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2009.

Compiled by Isabelle Levy, 2018

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